Echoe Echoe

Human experience and memory, acquisition and loss, change and preservation across generations. Small steps and big leaps, traces and imprints. Possibilities and responsibilities, the desire for embodiment and the desire for escapism in daily life.

The performance “Echoe Echoe” at the Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch consists of three acts, where the first act embodies the influence of history and the experience of a coming-of-age generation.The second act with a solo by Hilla Steinert is collecting and moving elder age experiences to the third act:
This diverse influences are reflected by Niklas Roßner and Odarka from a a highly vibrant global generation of young activist and artist collectives of resistance and empowerment, which are the levers of the movements right now.

Concept & Realisation: Serafima Brig, Can Mileva Rastovic / Junge Kunst Neukoelln
Performers: Hilla Steinert, Niklas Roßner, Ah Lim Chung, Olena Rogalevych, Group Hilla Steinert
Music performer: Odarka
Costume designer: Malyuk Couture
Supported by Vitsche Berlin

Image for Echoe Echoe

Participating artists