Sorry, but I'm Not Sorry – Queer Imagination: Photo series by Béla Váradi“

Vernissage with Performance by Alexey Kokhanov

Béla Váradi’s photographs question the one-sided representation of identity in our society, which is characterised by algorithms. In moving images, Váradi shows the pride and diversity of the LGBTQIA+ community within the Sinti, Roma, and Travellers (GRT)* and opens up space for new narratives and perspectives.

6 pm Performance by Alexey Kokhanov
Based on the question of how sexual desire can influence the environment, Kokhanov’s performance explores the theme of queer cruising as a strategy for claiming and occupying spaces.
Kokhanov reproduces the song of mating nightingales and mixes it with electronic sounds, backing tracks, melodies and texts by Eileen Myles, W. Shakespeare and David Lynch to create an immersive soundscape.

With this exhibition, the Kai Dikhas Foundation is promoting the art and culture of the Sinti and Roma and giving the minority a platform to present itself.

This exhibition takes place as part of the collaboration with the EMOP Festival.

Image for Sorry, but I'm Not Sorry – Queer Imagination: Photo series by Béla Váradi“
© Mari Vass
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