Closing Event

Swamp of Wonders

We cordially invite you to the last closing event before the winter break.

Miraculous signs of nature, terrifying celestial phenomena, and jags of fire flying from the sky - early modern apocalyptic depictions looked very different from today’s dystopian visions of the future. But what do contemporary projections of the future look like?

Partly serious, partly poetic and sometimes caricaturistic and humorous , the artists of the exhibition explore our reality and current dystopian visions of the future. However, they also reflect on the possibilities of protest and escape from it. Hypothetical, absurd and pseudo-documentary scenarios provide insights into a possible reordering of our world. Constantly oscillating between the apocalyptic and the utopian, they provide ambiguous images of desire and horror.

Image for Closing Event
© Nihad Nino Pušija
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