Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch
The historic toilet facility at the Wildenbruch bridge is a bizarre place with an extraordinary charm. In the summer of 2021, the facility was converted into an experimental cultural site that is unique in Berlin. The Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch (art bridge) comprises four small exhibition rooms that are still reminiscent of the original use.

Unfortunately, we are not accepting applications for exhibition projects at the Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch until further notice.
Thank you for your understanding.
Weigandufer, at the corner of Wildenbruchbrücke
next to the mooring
12045 Berlin
Traffic connection: bus M43, 166 (Wildenbruchplatz)
Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Wednesday to Sunday, 12 noon - 6 pm
Closed on Monday & Tuesday
Free Admission
The billboard at the dock can be seen 24 hours a day.
Finissage und Führung
Finissage und Führung
Curator Dr. Álvaro Garreaud guides through the exhibition "Sorry, but I'm Not Sorry" for the last time and provides an insight into Béla Váradi's photo series showing LGBTQIA+ people within the Sinti:zze, Rom:nja and Traveller:innen (GRT) community.
Learn more -
Vernissage Cosmopolitics
Vernissage Cosmopolitics
Opening of the exhibition Cosmopolitics with introduction by the curators.
In the era of the New Space, Cosmopolitics argues that the cosmos is a common good belonging equally to all terrestrial entities.
Learn more